Notes from the Margins #25

5 05 2015

The LGBTQ poetry night I do (with Ciarán Clarke) WELL-VERSED recently went ‘on tour, dahlin!’ and did a special edition of Takin the Mic in collaboration with the Irish Writers Centre, as a fundraiser for Yes Equality. It was all kinds of fucking awesome. It was exactly what I needed right now as an angry gay poet. The mix of WELL-VERSED people and the IWC invitees (and open mics) worked really well. Here are some pix:

A balanced photograph

Me, reading Angry Gay Poetry™

Co-host and co-founder of WELL-VERSED, Ciarán Clarke

Vickey “RaginSpice” Curtis

Oisín McKenna (PETTYCASH)

And speaking of PETTYCASH, tomorrow I’ll be performing at PETTYCASH presents: RISING (to the people of Ireland) which should be heaps of craic. Also, later in the month, on the 21st May (The Day Before! – for those not in Ireland, there’s a referendum/public vote on same-sex marriage on the 22nd. If it passes, we’ll be the first country to approve this by public vote. If it doesn’t, there’s likely to be a riot) I’ll be performing a featured set at WELL-VERSED. Facebook event for that soon.

In other news, I’ve been slowly rewriting Circumference. I’ve about five poems rewritten now (almost in their entirety) and it’s going well. I’m *hoping* to have it finished for next summer. That’s the plan, anyway.